Tuesday 3 January 2012

Language Issue

Sometimes, I really don't know what language to use. I mean, writing a blog post.
Well, there are too much to consider about.

Some couldn't read Chinese. (YES, it's you. DON'T LAUGH)
Some doesn't like English.
Some things couldn't be expressed properly in English. (Explain 山不在高,有仙则名 or 名留青史 in English. PS: Don't use Google Translate, I tried and the outcome is really hilarious if you really understand the Chinese words)

Yet, there are still quotes that comes in two languages.
For example, the only constant in life is change. (永恒不变的只有改变)
(credits to Hannah who understood my not-so-complete phrase when I was mumbling the quote in Chinese and was trying to translate it into English)

Therefore, I decided to use different languages depending on the topics.
I won't write posts in English when I'm talking about Chinese poems. (that would be really weird)
So forgive me, people who couldn't read Chinese.
I'll TRY to write more in English. (no promises)


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